Idol Gives Back rocked television sets across the US last night to raise funds for charity, with a show that saw performances by Elton John and Alicia Keys, as well as the departure of another contestant.
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Idol Gives Back – the charity extravaganza organized by American Idol – has announced two more acts for this year’s show on Wednesday, April 21.
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Idol Gives Back has launched an online auction in which American Idol fans will be able to bid on a unique selection of donated items and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Net proceeds will benefit the Idol Gives Back Foundation, and the auction will run from Wednesday, April 7 to 11:59 PM PT on Tuesday, April 20.
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Emmy Award-winning Idol Gives Back welcomes Alicia Keys, Carrie Underwood, The Black Eyed Peas, Annie Lennox and Jeff Beck as performers on this year’s event, airing Wednesday, April 21.
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David Beckham, Bono, Annie Lennox and Carrie Underwood have all accepted cheques from April’s Idol Gives Back event on behalf of the charities they support.
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Nicole Richie attended the launch of the Signorelli Angel T-shirt at CUSP boutique in Los Angeles last week to benefit the Children's Health Fund.
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It will be raining philanthropic celebrities on Wednesday night when American Idol Gives Back airs on the Fox Network. The “star clouds” are set to burst with a gala of music, fun, appearances, and surprises – all in the name of charity.
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When American Idol announced last spring that for every vote cast after their April 24-25 special broadcast “Idol Gives Back,” sponsors would make donations to the Charity Projects Entertainment Fund (CPEF), no one expected it to result in over $75 million.
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Singer Paul Simon, Co-Founder of the Children's Health Fund, was joined by Honorary Co-Chairs Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez for the charity’s 20th Anniversary Gala. Simon hosted the event, and CHF Advisory Board Member Anthony performed.
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