This World Heart Day, the British Heart Foundation has teamed up with world renowned photographer Rankin to launch an international art project with creatives from around the world, to raise awareness of the global fight against heart disease.
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David Beckham met British Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday to urge him to take immediate action to tackle a hidden crisis that affects 180 million of the world’s youngest children.
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The Small Steps Project will be holding the 2011 London Celebrity Shoe Auction and the premier of the new film at a fundraising evening at The Royal Society of Medicine on October 12.
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The Small Steps Project will be holding the 2011 London Celebrity Shoe Auction and the premier of the new film at a fundraising evening at The Royal Society of Medicine on October 12.
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Oxfam's East Africa famine appeal has been announced as the main beneficiary of The Legends Celtic vs Manchester United charity match on August 9.
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A whole bunch of stars – including Ricky Gervais, Roger Daltrey, Joanna Lumley and Wayne Rooney – have donated signed canvases to a special celebrity charity auction in the UK.
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Whose shoes would you most like to step in to? A glamorous day in the life of Kylie Minogue? A moment treading the boards as Kevin Spacey or a chance to strut your stuff as Cindy Crawford?
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Lord of the Rings actor Billy Boyd appeared at a charity music awards ceremony in Glasgow, Scotland, during the weekend to raise money for Nordoff Robbins.
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Scottish singer Sharleen Spiteri lent her support to Nordoff Robbins last week when she visited a school that integrates children with autism into classes and provides music therapy as part of their lessons.
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