A new book by the founder of PETA features contributions from a host of celebrities, such as Sir Paul McCartney, Willie Nelson, and Kevin Bacon.
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The world’s best talent in photography, entertainment, and fine food are joining together to help feed hungry New Yorkers tomorrow, September 18.
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Crooner Michael Bolton will show what a little time, love, and tenderness can do when he hosts the 16th annual Michael Bolton Charities Benefit Concert and Celebrity Golf Classic later this month.
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Tomorrow, April 22, will see one of the largest global events uniting the planet against climate change to be held this year. Millions of evironmentally-minded people around the planet will hold events to celebrate the 38th annual Earth Day, a massive campaign focussing on global warming and raising awareness for a cleaner environment.
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2007 was a year of giving, both on grand and not-so-grand scales. Celebrities from all fields, be it movies, music, sport or general entertainment, showed compassion beyond the call of duty, and in most cases had a lot of fun doing it.
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Thirteen of the hottest celebrities in Hollywood are creating a buzz with an internet auction taking place in October, in order to raise awareness of one of the biggest and most pervasive threats to life on Earth.
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They came, they rocked, they conquered. 07/07/07 saw the Live Earth concerts take place on 7 continents, and the event will go down in history and in people’s hearts as one of the greatest spectacles ever staged.
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Kevin Bacon has launched SixDegrees.org, a new web site that builds on the popularity of the “small world phenomenon” to create a charitable social network and inspire giving to charities online.
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