Renowned musician and astrophysicist Brian May CBE, has been named as a Patron of the Dr Hadwen Trust (DHT), the UK’s leading non-animal medical research charity.

Brian is a keen advocate of both scientific progress and animal welfare and welcomed the opportunity to join the charity’s existing high profile patrons, Dame Judi Dench, Joanna Lumley OBE and David Shepherd CBE.

Through its work, the DHT funds ground breaking projects to find practical human-relevant solutions to devastating human health problems using modern methods that will benefit both people and animals.

As Brian marks Queen's 40th anniversary this year, the DHT has also been celebrating its work over the past 40 years, funding and promoting innovative research into a range of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Recent research projects funded by the charity include brain cell imaging, epilepsy, abdominal pain studies, bone disease and nanotoxicity testing.

“I am proud to support the Dr Hadwen Trust, working to secure a future in which no animal will be abused in the name of science,” said Brian. “The charity demonstrates that medical progress can actually be enhanced by the elimination of inapposite research using animals. By pledging your support, you could help the DHT fund even more projects into human health-related research which will benefit all of us, as well as replacing the use of animals in experiments.”

Kailah Eglington, Chief Executive of the Dr Hadwen Trust, commented: “We are delighted to welcome Brian May as a Patron of the charity. We believe Brian will be an excellent ambassador for our work.”

The Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research funds cutting-edge research at universities and hospitals across the UK. The projects carried out by its grant holders aim to replace the use of animals in medical research which will lead to more relevant, high quality research.

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