We're a busy team of volunteers cataloging the charity work of celebrities, and you can email us if you think we can help each other!
1. What would you like to ask/tell us about?
2. Next steps
Please read our page about scams in order to stay safe.
If you need help with your user account, or have questions about our subscription service, please email us at support@looktothestars.org
We are not directly affiliated with the celebrities we feature, so we cannot help you directly, but you can use our site to decide which celebrities to target, and read our advice on contacting celebrities
We are not directly affiliated with the celebrities we feature, so we cannot pass on your correspondence, but you may find our advice on contacting celebrities helpful.
We are not directly affiliated with the celebrities we feature, so we cannot help you directly, but you may find our advice on contacting celebrities helpful.
Are you organizing an event which celebrities will attend? Tell us about it so we can spread the word: calendar@looktothestars.org
We are a volunteer news organization and cannot help you to obtain funding, donations or grants. Please contact relevant non-profits directly via their own web sites.
If you would like to approach a celebrity for funding (which we would discourage) please read our advice on contacting celebrities
If your organization is a registered non-profit or charity and you already have celebrity support, please email us at contact@looktothestars.org
We regret that we cannot list organizations without celebrity supporters.
The more information you provide about your history of celebrity support, the more effectively we can list your organization on our site.
We're always happy to hear about news, events or initiatives. If there are clear celebrity and charity angles, then please email our editors: editor@looktothestars.org
We take very seriously the accuracy of information on our site. Please email your corrections to us at: contact@looktothestars.org
Our site provides an extensive resource to support your research, so please explore it before asking for help from our busy team of volunteers.
If you are still unable to find the information you need, please email us at contact@looktothestars.org
If you'd like to put your socially-aware product, service or organization in front of hundreds of thousands of engaged readers monthly, then email us for a rate card at contact@looktothestars.org
We are open to partnership with compatible organizations, but we receive very many partnership requests.
If you have a well-developed proposal which will grab our attention and which you believe provides clear benefits to both you and us, then email us at contact@looktothestars.org
If you are sure that none of the other listed reasons apply, then please email us at contact@looktothestars.org
Please note that our busy team of volunteers is unable to respond to every email we receive.