Gary Sinise, who stars as Det. Mac Taylor in the CBS television series “CSI: New York,” will announce the formation of The Gary Sinise Foundation, a charity dedicated to raising funds for charities supporting the military in a National Press Club luncheon address on Thursday, June 30.

The new organization aims to provide programs to honor, educate, support,and entertain servicemen, their families, and people in need

Sinise, who received an Academy Award nomination for Best Support Actor for his portrayal of Lt. Dan in the Oscar-winning film “Forrest Gump,” will also discuss the award-winning feature length film, “Lt. Dan Band: For the Common Good,” which chronicles Sinise and his band as they travel around the world performing for the nation’s military. The Press Club will host a free screening of the film on Wednesday, June 29.

A recipient of the Presidential Citizens Medal, Sinise is the second actor, along with Elizabeth Taylor, to be awarded the honor. Sinise is spokesperson for the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial Foundation and co-founder of Operation International Children. He has traveled several times with the USO to entertain U.S. troops Iraq and Afghanistan with the USO. He also appeared in the Fox News documentary “On the Road in Iraq with our Troops and Gary Sinise” and starred in such major films as “Apollo 13,” and “Ransom,” “The Forgotten,” “The Human Stain.”

Sinise’s remarks will begin at 1 p.m. EDT, followed by a question-and-answer session. National Press Club Luncheons are webcast live on Follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #NPCLunch, or on Facebook at For reservations to the film screening, email

Or email a question in advance, type SINISE in the subject line and send to before 10 a.m. on day of event. The Press Club is on the 13th floor, 529 14th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.

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