Pauley Perrette is an actress known for playing Abby Sciuto on the U.S. TV series NCIS.
She was vocal in her opposition of the California ballot initiative Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage.
She has donated money as rewards to assist in cases such as information leading to the arrest of the person who killed Shannon Paulk, and the disappearance/murder of Raven Jeffries, a 7-year-old Detroit girl.
Charities & foundations supported 5
Pauley Perrette has supported the following charities listed on this site:
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Causes supported 9
Abuse, Alzheimer's Disease, Animals, Children, Family/Parent Support, Health, Human Rights, LGBT Support, Water
Contact Pauley Perrette
You can contact Pauley Perrette using details from this service. (Or read our advice on how to contact celebrities)
Official web sites
No web sites are known