Bright Future Ambassadors work to make the world a loving and peaceful place and are encouraging people to live by the heart. Last week, Larry King commended the celebrities and individuals involved for their efforts supporting Bright Future International.

Video: Larry King's PSA For Bright Future International

Bright Future International’s initiative emphasizes the need to live with compassion, kindness, selflessness and love. Today, executives of BFI stated that on Wednesday, Bright Future International will announce a list of events worldwide for children charities that support causes backed by Bright Future Ambassadors. Bright Future International has relied on Larry King as a media partner for the organization.

Through media partnerships an organization can become an integral part of how Bright Future International can communicate their message through the vast array of media channels. By donating all or a portion of television, newspaper, radio and/or online advertising space, the partner will allow Bright Future International to extend their outreach to INSPIRE people around the world to GIVE others that are in need of assistance.

“This is what Larry King has done for by providing a series of announcements for Bright Future Events,” says Richard Victor Mahee.

“There are several ways to help support Bright Future’s vision,” says Damon Elliott. “Individuals and organizations can help by becoming a Bright Future International Program Sponsor or Event and join in our the mission to create an international movement by working with children and adults around the world to develop positive morals and life values that will inspire them to live life by the principles of love and compassion. To instill empathy and understanding in individuals so they practice these in their interactions with their communities. Contributions generated from sponsorships are a critical funding source for BFI to enhance our existing programs in Burundi/Rwanda, Kenya, Panama, Russia and the United States.”

Individuals can help Bright Future International through volunteering around the globe. “We believe that in order to create a better world for our children, we must as individuals, realize you will benefit yourself most by helping others. We hope to make altruism a modern necessity, so more people become interested in participating in selfless acts – where people volunteer and donate their time not because they have to, but simply because they feel compelled to,” says Anthony Melikhov, Co-Founder of Bright Future International.

“Bright Future will announce its list of events worldwide on Wednesday January 23, 2013. We appreciated your support and contributions,” says Anthony Melikhov, Co-Founder, Bright Future International.


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