After-School All-Stars, Los Angeles Founder, Arnold Schwarzenegger visited the students at Richard Merkin Middle School and Gertz-Ressler High School on August 30th, 2012.
The 38th Governor of California was gracious as he interacted with staff, students, and school administration while visiting ASAS-LA programs throughout campus, including “Countdown” study and homework time; soccer and cheer programs; “Entourage” community service and leadership; and even craft class!
Prior to becoming the Governor of California, in 2002, Arnold Schwarzenegger organized a team of experts in the field of after-school education, youth leadership and recreational enrichment to establish the program as a model in the delivery of comprehensive after-school programs. Their organization began pilot programs at four school sites. Today, After-School All-Stars, Los Angeles serves over 5,000 students daily across 42 K-12 grade schools across LA County.
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