In the new Disney film, “The Odd Life of Timothy Green,” in theaters August 15th, Jennifer Garner plays a woman who embarks on the ultimate adventure in clean when she and her husband unexpectedly become parents. At this moment, Garner’s character understands what every mother knows: life is full of messy adventures – so make sure you have the right washing machine on hand to help clean things up.

Now Garner, on behalf of Save the Children, is teaming up with Frigidaire, makers of the Affinity Front Load Washer, to invite families everywhere to share their “Adventures in Clean.” Consumers can go to Frigidaire’s Facebook page to create and share movie posters chronicling their personal adventures in clean for a chance to win a new Frigidaire Affinity washer and dryer as well as a trip to Hollywood for the “The Odd Life of Timothy Green” premiere.

To launch “Adventures in Clean,” Garner joined local families at Griffith Park in Los Angeles for Frigidaire’s Field Day, an event that encouraged kids to compete in various events without worrying about getting dirty while moms had the chance to learn how they can make the most of their laundry settings, from the right wash cycle to the right water temperature, to eliminate grass and mud stains. After the Field Day festivities were over, Frigidaire rolled out the green carpet for an exclusive sneak preview of “The Old Life of Timothy Green” at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.

For each “Adventures in Clean” submission on Facebook, Frigidaire will donate $1 to Save the Children’s U.S. Programs. This campaign is part of Frigidaire’s $750,000 commitment to programs that promote healthier lifestyles for children living in poverty by providing nutritious snacks and regular opportunities for children to be physically active.

“Through Save the Children’s Healthy Choices program, we are ensuring that children living in poverty in America have access to nutritious snacks, like fresh fruits and whole grains, and opportunities to get some healthy exercise,” said Mark Shriver, Senior Vice President of U.S. Programs for Save the Children. “With continued support from Frigidaire and Jennifer Garner, we’re helping give children the foundation they need for a lifetime of good health.”

Source: PR Newswire

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