Richard Branson is on the hunt for an ethical entrepreneur to help him Screw Business as Usual!

Richard Branson Screw Business As Usual
Richard Branson Screw Business As Usual

Branson has just launched a competition with his charity Virgin Unite looking for the next big ethical/socially aware ideas or companies.

The winners will get in front of Sir Richard (who is monitoring the website entries looking for the best new businesses who are Screwing Business As Usual), be featured in Sir Richard Branson’s next book and be flown on an all expenses “connection” trip to South Africa. Money can’t buy once-in-a-lifetime prize.

An entry can be a story or brief description of a business or social enterprise in action anywhere in the world. An inspiration – in words, thoughts or on film – that shows a new way of creating or transforming a business, or will create a consumer movement that will create demand for better products or services.
Just log on here and share your idea or business that is screwing business as usual.

Every month, the top five entries on the leader board – those with the most social shares (votes) – will each receive a prize. The top 10 ideas, as voted for by the online community, by 17th April 2012 will be evaluated by an Independent Judging Panel who will select the Grand Prize Winner!

Firstly, the winning ideas or companies will be included Richard Branson’s next global business ‘book’, where they will be showcased as part of a growing community focused on business as a force for good. There is also a Grand Prize which is a money-can’t-buy spot on a Virgin Unite Connection Trip with Richard to South Africa in 2012 for the winner of the competition. When you join a Virgin Unite Connection Trip you get to join Richard and a small group visiting and learning from front-line leaders who are making change happen in beautiful South Africa! Then you’ll spend time with an extraordinary new breed of emerging entrepreneurs creating new business models and turning capitalism on its head. Lastly, you’ll spend a few days at Richard’s home in Ulusaba relaxing and sharing a unique time with an inspirational group of individuals. A once in a lifetime prize.

Find out more here.

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