Seth MacFarlane, the hilarious mind behind Family Guy and American Dad, is honoring his mother on the one-year anniversary of her passing by teaming with Heaven on Earth Society for animals to establish Perry’s Place — The Perry MacFarlane Sanctuary.

Perry MacFarlane
Perry MacFarlane

Perry MacFarlane

Perry, beloved mother of Seth and Rachael MacFarlane, was an inveterate animal lover and tireless rescuer. Over the course of her life, she cared for all manner of wild and domestic animals alike and was known for taking in the ones no one else would.

On July 16, 2010 Ann Perry MacFarlane passed away at the age of 63 after losing her battle with cancer. Newsman Larry King paid tribute, saying “her friends called her a bright light who sparkled…Perry touched many who celebrated her life.”

For nearly 12 years, Heaven on Earth Society for Animals has provided refuge for homeless animals who had no place else to go. Through adoptions and foster programs, many find homes. Now for those who don’t, their home will be Perry’s Place.

MacFarlane is enabling fans and animal lovers to show their support in helping to build Perry’s Place through Donations will help fund the purchase and construction of a new cage-free sanctuary and adoption center for homeless cats and the best part: for every dollar donated to the cause, an anonymous donor will give $10 (up to $500,000).

For more information about the fundraising efforts, visit

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