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Justin Bieber's recently trimmed locks will be benefitting a variety of causes – from education to animals.

Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres tweeted that for her upcoming birthday her only wish was a lock of Bieber’s hair, and her wish came true.

The Canadian-born pop idol presented Ellen with a lock of his hair during her show, saying, “We’re doing something special. We want you to donate it to whatever charity you want.”

Bieber Gives Lock of Hair to DeGeneres
Bieber Gives Lock of Hair to DeGeneres

The hair is now up for grabs on eBay, set in a plexiglass case and signed by Bieber, with a Letter of Authenticity signed by Ellen. Funds raised from the auction will go to support the The Gentle Barn, which offers a home to needy animals and a place where at-risk children can feel safe and understood. reported having a lock of the hair, too, and wishes to raise funds for animal charities.

It has also been reported that one of Justin’s favorite charities, Pencils of Promise, has been given a lock of hair to help them raise funds for their continuing work building schools in poverty-stricken areas around the globe.

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