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Singer/ actress Christina Aguilera has revealed the source of her inspiration- via an interview with InStyle – as her son Max.

In an interview with InStyle, Aguilera says that becoming a mother made her want to help children less fortunate than her own and is inspired by her son to take part in charity work.

“After I became a mum, I felt passionate about the fact that no child should go hungry. Food is not a luxury,” said the ‘Burlesque star who is also an ambassador for the UN’s World Food Program.

“Through my involvement, I’ve helped the WFP raise $12m – that’s a staggering 43.5 million meals. I’ve seen swollen bellies and hair that’s turned white from lack of nutrition, and yet some of the people I’ve met have such optimism it’s incredible. One kid in Haiti was telling me how he adores school. He never misses a day, he dreams of becoming a doctor,” she continued, “That sort of thing makes you want to work that much harder for those kids who truly want to succeed and rise above whatever they’re going through.”

Aguilera also recently spoke to Australia’s NW magazine about getting older and wiser: “I really do embrace age. I know in this business people get really scared of it. But I wear my wounds as something I’m proud of and I feel that with age you gain more wisdom and you learn so much more about yourself. I feel that I’ve arrived at a place where I’m experiencing a lot of change for myself, in a great way. I’m growing as a person and as a woman and I think this is the beginning of a new chapter for me.”

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