On Monday, September 20, Annie Lennox joined former New Zealand prime ministers Helen Clark and Jenny Shipley to add her voice to a A Call for Resolve in the New York Times, which calls on other leaders to join a worldwide resolve to increase reproductive health investments for important development results.
The Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health is an unprecedented effort to increase momentum at the highest political levels for improved reproductive health. Chaired by former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, these senior leaders from more than a dozen countries believe that expanding access to reproductive health will be a breakthrough strategy for lasting development and prosperity worldwide.
Members of the Global Leaders Council will employ social media, written statements, policy briefs, editorials in major periodicals, speaking engagements at the national and international level, a Population and Global Health Roundtable Series at the Aspen Institute, and other global opportunities to reclaim the debate about reproductive health, highlight linkages to global development that make reproductive health a vital investment, and challenge their fellow policymakers to commit to supporting reproductive health and increasing global reproductive health funding to the estimated $7 billion needed annually to achieve universal access to this critical services.
“There are so many places where women have absolutely no power over their sexual and reproductive health… as a woman and a feminist, I have to stand in solidarity with those women and use my voice to say ’That’s not right’, because those women don’t have that voice,” says Annie Lennox.
Visit www.globalleaderscouncil.org for more information.