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Pamela Anderson has been getting her hands dirty for animals – by cleaning out cages at a wildlife refuge in California.

The former Baywatch actress has been working as a volunteer at the California Wildlife Center in Santa Monica, cleaning birdcages, feeding owls and more.

“I clean out all the poop in the birdcages and feed all the little owls – the baby ones – with frozen mice parts. Occasionally a little frozen paw or ear will fall off!” she told the U.K.‘s Fabulous magazine. "Sometimes I’m given the job of releasing animals back into the wild, but I’m the worst driver and have no sense of direction. I was given a box with a crow in it and we got so lost. I went to three different places to try to find where they’d originally caught her!"

The actress also appears in a new ad for PETA, encouraging people to become vegetarians.

According to the charity: "She’s been tagged by a butcher, making it clear that humans and animals are composed of identical parts.

“Just like humans, animals are made of flesh, blood, and bone and have organs and senses. Animals also have emotions and unique personalities, feel pain, and create families and relationships with other animals, if given the chance.

“Ninety-seven percent of the U.S. meat supply comes from factory-farmed animals. Animals on factory farms are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them. They are forced to live in filthy, severely crowded conditions and are often fed an unnatural diet that includes antibiotics and drugs. Disease spreads quickly on factory farms, and animals are often denied proper veterinary care and forced to stand in their own waste. These animals’ short lives come to a painful end at the slaughterhouse where cows, pigs, and chickens often have their throats cut and are dismembered while they are still conscious.”

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