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Avatar star Sigourney Weaver has blogged in the Huffington Post about protecting the oceans on Earth Day.

“On the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, at a time when our country’s attention will be focused on what we need to do to protect our planet, I am honored to be in our nation’s Capital to testify before Congress on an emerging environmental threat,” she wrote. “I will be testifying before the Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on the topic of ocean acidification.”

Weaver has been in the news over the last few weeks for her conservation work in Brazil with James Cameron, and she also helped with Christie’s Green Auction: A Bid To Save The Earth.

“The oceans are 30 percent more acidic today than they were during pre-industrial times and, if we continue burning fossil fuels as we are now, we will double the ocean’s acidity by the end of the century,” she writes. “I first had the opportunity to address this issue in the Senate last fall, when I screened a short documentary I narrated on this phenomenon called Acid Test, made by my friends at the Natural Resources Defense Council. And after my Senate testimony this Earth Day, I am thrilled to show it to our nation’s policymakers once again — this time for a group in the House of Representatives.”

Weaver is well known for her conservation work, and has been honored with the Audubon Women In Conservation Award, The Trevor Project's Life Award, and Variety’s Power of Women award. She is also the honorary chairperson of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International.

“Our policymakers have the power to add to the legacy of Earth Day by taking action that will protect people and the planet. Along with millions of other Americans, I will be urging them to put aside their differences and begin America’s transition to a clean energy economy that will increase our energy efficiency and invest in renewable power, while cutting carbon pollution. By passing strong clean energy and climate legislation, Congress has the power to move us toward clean energy, tackle climate change and protect our seas from acidification.”

Read Sigourney’s full blog in the Huffington Post.

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