Look To The Stars is proud to present part five of a series of pieces written by students from Arnold Schwarzenegger's After-School All-Stars.

We asked the students from Griffith Middle School in East LA what they would like to see changed about the world, and which celebrities they think would best be able to lead the way. Over the next days, we will share some of their answers with you.

We Need A Change: Justin Bieber
By Marianne, age 13

The world isn’t a perfect place: in fact, we are far away from getting there. Although we could all do something that could make it a better place, the first thing we need help in is saving our planet. We all have to go green! Secondly, we have to do something about caring for others before ourselves. People are selfish nowadays.

Have you ever thought about the world we all live in? Look around, we have made this world a mess. I think that before it is too late, and we completely destroy everything, we have to step up and save our planet!

Every day, instead of leaving our phone charger connected, take three more seconds and unplug it! When you are in the shower, you could turn off the water while you are washing your hair. If we all cooperate, we can all make a difference.

The planet is a wonderful place and I don’t want to lose Mother Nature’s beauty. I think if we all work together, we will save the world just in time. Even if it seems impossible, we can do it! One becomes two, then three, and then later… it will turn into thousands and millions of people helping to save the world.

I think Justin Bieber would inspire a lot of girls to save the planet, and he could also donate money to charity. Justin is a teen star, therefore our generation would be inspired, and then we can inspire younger kids and their parents.

In conclusion, we all need to help this world and one another. Cooperating as a group could make a big difference.

The After-School All-Stars program strives to improve kids’ lives by nurturing their minds, bodies and spirits through programs that incorporate independent learning, academics and enrichment activities. For more information, visit AfterSchoolAllStars.org.

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