By Delinda Lombardo on
Author, model, actress and autism activist Jenny McCarthy asks ’Who’s Afraid Of The Truth About Autism?’ in today’s Huffington Post.
In part, McCarthy writes: "Who’s afraid of autism recovery? Perhaps it’s the diagnosticians and pediatricians who have made a career out of telling parents autism is a hopeless condition… When I first went public with my son Evan’s story, I just planned to talk about the ‘R’ word — Recovery. But soon I was spending most my time talking about the “V” word — vaccines."
McCarthy has been one of the most vocal advocates when it comes to linking vaccines and autism, and writes: “It’s hard to address one without the other because so many of the parents of recovered children I know, myself included, blame vaccines for their child’s regression into autism and use vaccine injury as the roadmap to treat their child…The idea that vaccines are a primary cause of autism is not as crackpot as some might wish. Autism’s 60-fold rise in 30 years matches a tripling of the US vaccine schedule.”
Jenny McCarthy’s full article can be read here.
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