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In this time of confusion, it is a relief to see well-known people speaking out, letting everyone know how and when they can take action, and amplifying a message of unity where others are employing Divide and Conquer techniques. Look To The Stars will focus on some of these people and their actions, many of which you can get involved in, over the coming months.

This week, celebrities are asking people who feel the pinch of limited incomes to use their consumer power and send a message to corporations, knowing money is the thing that matters most to them.

John Leguizamo is hoping his fans will unite in support of the upcoming Feb 28th boycott, saying on Facebook, “Don’t spend your money 💵! People of color join us and our white allies! Freeze 🥶 your spending one day! Show them we mean business!”

John Leguizamo on Boycotts
John Leguizamo on Boycotts
Feb 28th Economic Blackout
Feb 28th Economic Blackout

His message was shared by Mark Ruffalo. Stephen King and Bette Midler also posted in support of the blackout.

Bette Midler to Participate in Feb 28th Blackout Day
Bette Midler to Participate in Feb 28th Blackout Day

The People’s Union USA are the grassroots group behind this movement. John Schwarz, the founder of the group said, “For our entire lives, they have told us we have no choice … that we have to accept these insane prices, the corporate greed, the billionaire tax breaks, all while we struggle to just to get by.” He spoke in a video posted to his Instagram account, adding: “February 28, the 24-hour economic blackout: no Amazon, no Walmart, no fast food, no gas, not a single unnecessary dollar spent … for one day, we are going to finally turn the tables.”

Stephen King supports the Economic Blackout Day
Stephen King supports the Economic Blackout Day

Yes, it’s inconvenient to avoid buying things when and how we want to. But the alternative is much worse.

Join your fellow citizens on February 28th, start to let the corporations know that they need to think about the people who they are supposed to be providing products and services for.

Boycott Calendar - Feb-Apr 2025
Boycott Calendar - Feb-Apr 2025


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