City of Hope, a world-renowned independent research and treatment center for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases, announced today the start of “Influential Figures” week of its virtual auction series.

New items launching on Charitybuzz include pieces from music legends, including Jon Bon Jovi, Paul Williams and George Winston. Fans will have the chance to bid on “Livin’ on a Prayer” lyrics framed and signed by Bon Jovi and a George Winston autographed vinyl of the album “Autumn,” which was once owned by Neil Armstrong.

The Paul Williams one-of-a-kind experience will allow the winning bidder to become a part of the music! Williams will handwrite, sign, personalize and dedicate the lyrics to any of his songs selected by the winner. Whether it be finding the elusive ‘Rainbow Connection’ or being part of that ‘Old Fashion Love Song,’ the choice is up to the winner. Memorialized in custom framing, this item makes for the perfect unique gift, whether it be for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, Christmas, holiday, surprise, memorial, celebration of life, etc.

Also still available are the one-of-a-kind lithographs launched during “Icons Week” last month. City of Hope’s MFEI group partnered with Globe Photos to present “The MFEI Icon Collection,” high-end archival prints of some of music’s most iconic artists. Typically retailing for just under $1,000 each, these stunning 19″ × 13″ lithographs, which include the likes of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Prince, Bob Dylan and more, will be available HERE at a fraction of the cost thanks to Globe’s generous donation.

The 2020 Online Auction Series is hosted on CharityBuzz, the leading online charity auction platform, and offers once-in-a-lifetime experiences and incredible luxury packages to hundreds of thousands of high-net-worth bidders globally while also raising funds for charitable causes. Featured weekly themes will include celebrated creators, hitmakers, indie legends and icons, and new items will appear every Monday until Sept. 21:

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