The ONE Campaign challenged every US presidential candidate to send them a two-minute video explaining what they would do, if elected, to fight extreme poverty in Africa.

Bernie Sanders replied with this video:

Video: Senator Bernie Sanders Responds to ONE Vote '16

ONE Vote ’16, a nonpartisan project of ONE Action, is a campaign to make the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease — particularly in sub-Saharan Africa — a priority in the 2016 presidential election.

The next president and Congress will take office at a critical time when there are effective and affordable solutions available that save lives: providing AIDS medicine that costs less than 40 cents a day; connecting smallholder farmers to markets to break the cycle of hunger and poverty; connecting millions of people with first-time access to energy that will open new doorways to education, healthcare, and job opportunities. With the force of nearly 3 million members in the U.S., ONE Vote ‘16 will educate and mobilize voters to ensure the next president is committed to using the United States’ strategic power to help end extreme poverty and create a safer and more stable world.

To find out more, click here.

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