Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP) and DC Entertainment today announced this year’s 2015 Superman Hall of Heroes inductees including a military hero, a crusader against crime, a racing legend and a passionate educator.

Superman Hall of Heroes Inductees: Mario Andretti, John Walsh, Medal of Honor Recipient Kyle Carpenter and 2014 National Teacher of the Year Sean McComb
Superman Hall of Heroes Inductees: Mario Andretti, John Walsh, Medal of Honor Recipient Kyle Carpenter and 2014 National Teacher of the Year Sean McComb

The new inductees join thousands of everyday heroes who have been nominated for the Superman Hall of Heroes, an online gift-giving portal that empowers consumers to honor their personal heroes – those who have made a positive impact on their lives or the lives of others.

Each year, the Superman Hall of Heroes program inducts a new class of nationally recognized heroes from all walks of life.

This year’s honorees include:
• Kyle Carpenter – Superman Hall of Heroes inductee Kyle Carpenter is a true American hero. He is the second living Marine since the Vietnam War, and the youngest Marine to be decorated with the Medal of Honor. His story of bravery, both in combat and in recovery from life-threatening injury, is inspiring to all.
• Sean McComb – Superman Hall of Heroes inductee Sean McComb is one of the youngest National Teachers of the Year ever, earning this honor at the age of 30. His dedication to both his students and his profession is what truly defines a great teacher and he regularly goes above and beyond to make sure his students realize their full potential.
• Mario Andretti – Superman Hall of Heroes inductee Mario Andretti is a living legend. Throughout his career in motorsports, he was not only able to win at every level, he was also able to master every discipline in which he chose to race. Andretti took the checkered flag 111 times in his career, collecting national and world championships along the way. He is admired for his warmth, dignity and class and gives back to the community through organizations like Meals On Wheels, The Fund to Benefit Children and Youth and his various efforts in support of our troops and wounded warriors.
• John Walsh – Superman Hall of Heroes inductee John Walsh is known internationally as a crime fighter, victims’ advocate and host of “America’s Most Wanted” television show. Walsh and his wife helped pass the Missing Children’s Act of 1982 and the Missing Children’s Assistance Act of 1984. The latter bill founded the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. He never sought the role, but fighting for justice has been his mission since July 27, 1981 when his six-year-old son, Adam, was abducted from a Hollywood, Fla., mall.

Inspired by Superman and the character attributes that define the world’s first and most recognized Super Hero — an American icon who represents unwavering morals and an endless pursuit of truth and justice — the Superman Hall of Heroes is a gift-giving program that offers a fun and inspirational way for fans to pay tribute to their heroes by submitting their photo and story online to www.SupermanHallofHeroes.com where it will be showcased in perpetuity. As part of their tribute, consumers can choose from multiple gift-giving options and levels.

In the year since its launch, thousands of everyday heroes have been nominated for the Superman Hall of Heroes, sharing their stories of bravery, loyalty, philanthropy and selfless service.

The Superman Hall of Heroes program continues to spread goodwill throughout the year with The Red Cape Crew, a community outreach initiative that performs random acts of kindness in markets across the country. The Red Cape Crew contributes to local community efforts and follows the examples set by heroes to make the world a better place, one good deed at a time. Fans can volunteer with and follow The Red Cape Crew at www.SupermanHallofHeroes.com/red_cape_crew.

Ranging in price from $1.99 to $99.99, Superman Hall of Heroes offers unique gift giving packages available at multiple options and levels, giving consumers the opportunity to pay tribute to those who have made a positive impact on their lives or the lives of others. Each package comes with an induction certificate and permanent listing in the Superman Hall of Heroes. Additional package options include apparel, accessories, and even a personalized Superman Hall of Heroes trophy. The Superman Hall of Heroes online gift-giving program is currently only available to residents in the United States.

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