Ron White, stand-up comedian and actor (Horrible Bosses, Sex and the City 2, The Fluffy Movie) has partnered with Darelicious – the premiere online destination where you can dare yourself, a friend or even a celebrity to take on a dare to raise money for your favorite charity, – to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research with a hilarious dare campaign in support of Brides Against Breast Cancer.

Ron White will dare his wife, two-time cancer warrior and singer Margo Rey, to rock out to her own, personal rendition of “Ice Ice Baby” on command. No matter where she is or what she is doing at any given moment, whether at a grocery store, a shopping mall or even a restaurant, Margo will break out into intense song and dance to re-create Vanilla Ice’s classic 80’s throwback hit. In order to catch this epic moment on video, Ron first needs to meet his Darelicious pledge goal of $10,000.000 for Brides Against Breast Cancer.

Between October 6 – November 2, 2014 supporters can go to to pledge funds toward Ron’s dare campaign. When the funding goal is met, Margo will take on the dare and Ron will provide a video recap as proof for all to see and thoroughly enjoy.

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