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The Country Club of Rancho Bernardo in San Diego was ‘classy’ on Friday afternoon as actor/comedian Will Ferrell once again hosted the annual Cancer For College Golf Classic and Live Auction.

“We gave out about 15 or 20 [scholarship checks] four years ago,” CFC founder Craig Pollard said. “Last year, it was around 100. This year, it’s exploded.”

With the aid of Pollard’s most famous fraternity brother, this year’s sold out event raised more than $250,000 for the foundation that provides college scholarships to cancer survivors.

When asked what his favorite part of the Cancer for College Golf Classic was, it wasn’t the golf Ferrell was excited about: “Getting to see my old friends, and golf is so secondary. The banquet part of evening is the really the highlight. Getting to meet the new scholarship winners, and to revisit with the old scholarship winners, to see their progress and meet their families…to see how much of an affect this charity has on their lives.”

Will Ferrell's Shoes
Will Ferrell's Shoes

Ferrell addressed the media wearing black/white checkered shorts, an ‘Army Man’ t-shirt, and a pair of gold Pumas which begged an explanation, “They were actually built for me by scientists at NASA, so I can actually levitate for 30 seconds at a height of 15 to 20 feet. I don’t know how that will help me with my golf, but that’s just a cool trick.”

Another cool trick Ferrell has performed is helping the event grow from a little known backyard fundraiser into one of the premier charity events in San Diego. And he’s done it all for his college pal Pollard, who is a local golf entrepreneur, cancer survivor and double amputee.

For the most part, Ferrell addressed the media with his deadpan humor, and even busted out an impromptu ‘Ron Burgundy’ impression, a character he famously portrayed in the movie ‘Anchorman.’ “It is a glorrrious day,” said Ferrell as Burgundy, “here in beautiful Son Diego, we’ve got a record turn out. I thought there’d be more media here frankly, for someone of my stature. In fact, I’ll have to say as I look out into the face of the media here, you guys look like a bunch of idiots compared to when I was in the news game. Have some class, some dignity. I don’t see anyone wearing a suit.”

Will Ferrell At Cancer For College 2008

After the funny man had the media warmed up, he got serious about his support for the event.

“For all of the things Craig has been through kind of physically and emotionally, he’s probably one of the most upbeat, positive people you can ever be around,” said Ferrell. “He just epitomizes . . . perseverance. The fact that he’s so involved in helping others when he could easily sit back and say, ‘Woe is me,’ he never does that. He’s just kind of a shining example to everyone who meets him of the power of being positive and having a great outlook on life.”

Ferrell has generously donated more than one check to Pollards foundation. “His loyalty has been phenomenal,” Pollard said. “Those two commercials that he did for the Super Bowl – all that money went to the charity. Budweiser paid him $250,000, Proctor and Gamble $500,000.”

Two of Ferrell’s playing partners, Emil and William, were excited about taking part in the event. “We expect to be slightly above par even though it’s a scramble,” Emil said as he proudly sported the same black/white shorts as Ferrell, “Will [Ferrell] keeps us in the game.”

William was curiously out of uniform and dressed in a military jumpsuit, instead of the shorts. “I wanna support our troops right now in Iraq,” he explained, “You know, sport the jumpsuit and give a little preview for tonight’s bidding [William won the jumpsuit at last year’s auction]. There’ll be some great items up for bids tonight, and, its all for the kids!”

(Photos copyright Delinda Lombardo)

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