The Adrienne Shelly Foundation (ASF), a non-profit organization named after the late actor and filmmaker who was killed in 2006, announced today that it has awarded its 50th production grant, in partnership with the Sundance Institute Feature Film Program, to Meredith Danluck for her film State Like Sleep.

Danluck is an artist and filmmaker whose work has screened at major art institutions internationally including MoMA, PS1, Venice Biennale and Liverpool Biennial, as well as various film festivals including SXSW, TIFF and the Sundance Film Festival. In State Like Sleep, a young American widow in northern Europe reluctantly revisits her past when her mother is hospitalized in Brussels. Danluck and her project participated in the Sundance Institute Directors Lab and Screenwriter Lab last year.

Earlier in the month ASF awarded its 49th grant to Boston University film student Julia Iglesias, who’ll soon be shooting her short film Aida’s 85th.

“I can’t stress enough the importance of ASF’s mission of supporting women filmmakers,” said Academy Award nominated and Golden Globe winning actress Michelle Williams, an ASF Advisory Board member. “Reaching its 50th grant just demonstrates the impact ASF has on the indie film community.”

“I knew and worked with Adrienne, and have been involved with ASF since its inception,” said actor Paul Rudd, a member of the Advisory Board. “This is an organization with a critical mission, and I’m thrilled to see it achieve such an incredible milestone.”

The reaching of this milestone is especially meaningful to ASF founder and executive director Andy Ostroy, who was married to Ms. Shelly at the time of her death.

ASF has been successful in turning tragedy into something positive,” said Ostroy. “I’m proud of the work we do, and the lives we’ve touched in honor of Adrienne.”

Source: PR Newswire

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