This year, the cast of the hit show Glee – including Kevin McHale and Harry Shum Jr. – is launching a special charitable campaign with to benefit Invisible Children.

Video: Kevin McHale and Harry Shum Jr. from Glee have a secret video for you

Glee fans everywhere are able to enter to win a dream experience for a minimum $10 donation to Invisible Children through Omaze. The winner and a friend will be flown to Los Angeles where they will, well, GLEEK out over a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with Kevin, Harry and the cast for a super secret Glee experience.

Omaze offers everyone the opportunity to engage in once-in-a-lifetime experiences with celebrities, athletes and the world’s greatest thinkers with the proceeds benefitting a social cause. The process works similar to a charity raffle. The user friendly site allows anyone to enter to win an Omaze experience of their choice by donating just $5. Once the deadline to enter for the experience passes, they collect all the entries and select the winners through a third party computer generated random selection process. The proceeds are delivered to benefit a specific social cause. The goal of the campaign is clearly quantified and they track the impact overtime so you can see how your support has impacted lives.

Invisible Children, founded in 2004, is a non-profit 501c3 organization based on the belief that there is equal and inherent value in all human life. Their mission is to bring a permanent end to atrocities committed by Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) through an integrated four part model; media, mobilization, protection and recovery. They are focused on the LRA because they have been abducting children and committing atrocities in East and central Africa since 1987.

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