State Radio is an alternative rock band from Boston, MA, consisting of former Dispatch member Chad Urmston (lead vocals, guitar), Chuck Fay (bass) and Mike Najarian (drums).
In 2008, State Radio started an activist group called Calling All Crows to “inspire public service” and “promote human rights.”
- Over 441,000 more 16-24 year olds volunteered in 2008 than 2007.
- Young adults contributed an additional 96.9 million service hours in the last year.
- 31% more Americans reported having worked with their neighbor in 2008 than the year before.
- Calling All Crows is dedicated to inspiring public service to transform our community, nation, and world.
Currently, they are working with Oxfam America’s Stoves for Sudan Project. Calling All Crows is hoping to raise money for 5,000 stoves for 5,000 different women in Sudan through fan activism before concerts.
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Charities & foundations supported 2
State Radio has supported the following charities listed on this site:
Other supporters of the same charities & foundations
Causes supported 3
Disaster Relief, Human Rights, Poverty
Contact State Radio
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