Known as the “Olivier of the Latino world,” Edward James Olmos is an individual flowing with talent and creativity. In April 1999, Olmos launched a nationwide multimedia project called Americanos: Latino Life in the United States, a celebration of Latino culture through photography, film, music, and the printed word. The project was co-sponsored by Time Warner Inc., and designed to inspire Latino pride, and to build bridges among Latinos and others.
Olmos also makes time to participate in many humanitarian efforts. He is the executive director of the Lives In Hazard Educational Project, a national gang prevention program funded by the US Department of Justice. He speaks at an average of 150 institutions each year.
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Charities & foundations supported 7
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Causes supported 13
AIDS & HIV, Animals, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Cancer, Children, Conservation, Education, Environment, Family/Parent Support, Health, Miscellaneous, Poverty, Water
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